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15 Video Games for Valentine's Day - It's a Pixel THING - Ep.#38

First of all, there’s some rules that we need to, somewhat, respect:

1 – Buy a game with your significant other and avoid sequels;
2 – Prepare some snacks and other surprises;
3 – Be patient with your explanation of the controls and gameplay;
4 – Take lots of breaks to avoid getting too tired;
5 – Lose on purpose from time to time;
6 – If your loved one isn’t enjoying it, you need to stop immediately;
7 – If you lose because of your partner, don’t be mad! Just laugh it out loud!

So, here’s my list, without any specific order, of awesome games for Valentine’s day!

Starting with LEGO series of games: 

All of us have grown up playing with those LEGO blocks that have that amazing feeling of transporting our mind to this alternative reality.
Boys and girls, we all are familiar with those cute little characters that are around since 1949. I used to play with these way before I placed my hands on my first video game.
LEGO games are available for a handful of platforms: PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, Vita, Xbox, XBOX360, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo DS, 3DS, Game Boy Advance, Game Cube, Wii, Wii U, and this is one awesome way to spend Valentine’s day!


This is a funny mascot-based racing game in which players race against each other using characters from various Sega franchises. There’s also several varieties of weapons to pick up and use against your opponents, just like in the beloved ReVolt, from 1999.
Sonic is such a cute video game character that will certainly be recognized right away and even bring back some good old memories of playing the very first Sonic game on the Master System or Megadrive/Genesis!
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is available for PS3, PS Vita, Xbox360, Wii U, DS, PC and Android and iOS portable devices.

And, what about a good old arcade game from 1982?
Here’s: Ms PAC MAN 
If you have an arcade cabinet in your home, this is one good way to spend some time with your loved one! There’s hundreds of co-op games that you could play with your soul mate. Imagine how hard it is to choose just one.
Because of that, I’ve chosen Ms Pac Man. That way, you’ll be letting your significant other play and you’ll just stay there, watching and be thrilled for getting in return some smiles and laughter.

PLANTS VS ZOMBIES is one of those original ideas that turns certain games into great classics. 
Just imagine having a variety of different plants protecting your brain from getting eaten by zombies! Well, that’s what this game is all about!
Originally available for PC and Mac and, later, for portable systems, XboX live and PlayStation Network, this is a highly addictive and funny game to play alone or in co-op mode.

FEZ is such a beautiful indie puzzle platform game that utilizes pixelated art style with plenty of references to other classics of video gaming like, for instance, The Legend of Zelda, Tetris and Super Mario Brothers.
Available for download since 2012 for Xbox360, PC, Mac, Linux, PS3, PS4 and Vita, this kind of unique two-dimensional puzzle platform game set in a three-dimensional world is so amazingly beautiful that you and your partner will find yourselves stopping to smell the roses for countless times!

Set in a beautiful and challenging world, Rayman Origins  is one of those games that you can’t miss when trying to get someone into gaming.
Released for the PC, Mac, PS3, Xbox360, Wii, 3DS and PS Vita in 2011, this amazingly colorful side-scrolling platformer is playable with up to four local players, but, for valentine’s day, 2 players is enough, don’t you agree with me?..

ROCK BAND series 
is another great opportunity to bring people together. Just form a band with you loved one and choose which instruments both will be using and free yourselves playing and singing some of the most charismatic, influential and brilliant songs ever made!
Grab a PS3 or Xbox360 and start making some noise!
In the end, you’ll be hugging and kissing!! That’s guaranteed.. or your money back!

Another cute and awesome little puzzle game ideal to play with friends and, above all, super special friends, is Critter Crunch, released for PS3, PC, Mac and all iOS devices between 2008 and 2012.
The concept is quite simple, control this furry creature named Biggs and, with his long tongue, we must clear each screen launching smaller critters into the mouths of larger ones filling them up. By doing this, you’ll be helping the continuous flow of the food chain.
Ahhhh.. such a cute game, with regurgitation scenes and all…

Castle Crasher, 
with its unique cartoon art style, is a side-scrolling beat-em-up, with some RPG elements thrown in, that’s so amazingly fun and addictive set in a medieval scenario where a dark wizard has stolen a mystical gem and captured four princesses. Stories like these, of knights in shining armors and damsels in distress, are always welcome in such an important date as valentine’s day. You and your partner will be, for hours, fighting these hordes of funny looking enemies just to breach the castle and save the day!
It’s available for Xbox360, PS3, PC and Mac.

Diner Dash: 

In this strategy and time management type of game we’ll find ourselves working hard on a diner, seating and serving people. You just drag and drop customers on any available table, serve their meal and, when they finish, take the correspondent check. At this time, customers leave you a tip and all the dishes on the table for us to clear so other customers can use that particular table.
This is an ideal type of game to get someone into gaming and it is available for PC, Mac, Wii, DS, PSP, PS3, Xbox360, Android and iOS devices, and it spawned numerous sequels.

I couldn’t end this video without pointing a Mario game. So, my favorite is the New Super Mario Bros. for Wii.  It’s a highly addictive super colorful game that needs absolutely no introduction.
This little gem sold over 10 million copies and was considered the fastest selling single-system game ever made! That’s one hell of an accomplishment! Just fantastic.
And this game is enjoyed by all genders, from youngsters to senior folks! So, once again, you won’t miss with this one! Your soul mate will certainly fall into your harms just begging for one more go.

Is this what you really want to do on valentine´s day?...

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